
2 min readMar 4, 2021

2021 as a face-paced era, each of every issues, news, a topics, until someone’s opinion can reach everyone glasses in a hours or even minutes. A times ago, someone’s opinion that she brought up at one of the biggest podcast that exist in youtube, went viral also controversial. Yes, she is Nadin Amizah as known as Cakecaine. Might be some of you already know. but, let me help you guys to remember the contents of that opinion. There is two opinion for exactly.

1. “Aku juga sangat, sangat, sangat disarankan oleh Bunda: jadilah orang kaya, karena kalau kamu kaya, kamu akan lebih mudah untuk menjadi orang baik”

2. “Orang miskin itu… Karena saat kita miskin, rasa benci kita terhadap dunia itu sudah terlanjur besar, sampai kita juga gapunya waktu untuk baik ke orang lain. Gitu sih”

The questions is; between those opinions is there a correct opinion? Or,are both opinions wrong? Disclaimer; this writing is based on what i think. As 5th semester student and assisted by data a lil bit. It’s very open to agree or disagree.

For me, there is a different between opinions number one and two. In line with several studies which state that happiness in Indonesia is positively influenced by income, education level, perceived health status, and social capital. Although the study of happiness still needs to be investigated, the results of several studies suggest a positive relationship, between income and happiness.

Someone who’s happy, tends to be filled by positive energy. Positive energy is usually used to help people, empathize others, and other good behaviors. That is to say, Nadin’s first opinion is not a wrong thing.

And how about the second statement? I think it’s more likely a personal opinion that we can agree nor disagree. Either it is someone’s experience who she knew nor she experience it by herself. We can disagree, of course. BUT that doesn’t mean we can send a hate comments, hate speech, to her. I know, Nadin’s word might hurt some people out there. Reprimand also has it’s own rules and ethics yet.

Although you have a lot of money, wealth, BUT then you spread hate, and then you become a poor person. You BEING POOR. Poverty is a disaster that might not be avoided. But being poor is when you have all the things I already mention, but do not have a kind heart, full of hatred, and cannot empathize others.

I am not completely on her side, I can completely understand those of you who are offended by her opinions. But does not mean it can be a justice of any bad treatment everyone’s did to her. As humans we need time to learn and as we get older we can experience more, we can learn more. Sometimes you have to look at someone’s age to decide what kind of action need to take.

Be wise, Peeps! ❤

